The Lord has a way of using whatever means necessary to introduce others to the gospel. On more than one occasion, I have had the experience of being in a foreign country and had the Lord lead me to an unexpected situation where I was bearing my testimony. Another less common, but not unheard of way, is when He even leads an inactive member to share the gospel with others in the proper situation. The story of Aminadab in The Book of Mormon is one such instance.
Helaman 5:34 And it came to pass that the Lamanites could not flee because of the cloud of darkness which did overshadow them; yea, and also they were immovable because of the fear which did come upon them.
35 Now there was one among them who was a Nephite by birth, who had once belonged to the church of God but had dissented from them.
36 And it came to pass that he turned him about, and behold, he saw through the cloud of darkness the faces of Nephi and Lehi, and they did shine exceedingly..
37 And it came to pass that this man did cry unto the multitude, that they might turn and look. And behold, there was power given unto them that they did turn and look; and they did behold the faces of Nephi and Lehi.
38 And they said unto the man: Behold, what do all these things mean.
39 Now the man’s name was Aminadab. And Aminadab said unto them: They do converse with the angels of God.
Helaman 5:41 And Aminadab said unto them: You must repent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have faith in Christ, who was taught unto you by Alma, and Amulek, and Zeezrom; and when ye shall do this, the cloud of darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you.
LESSON LEARNED: The gospel will unfold to all the world, and the Lord will use whatever means are available to Him to do so. If we are sensitive to the spirit, He will use us as will during these times.