Last week, a family friend was in a terrible motorcycle accident. Miraculously, though the bike was completely mangled, he escaped with only external injuries and is blessed to be alive. It was a particularly hard blow to my teenage daughter who is very closely acquainted with him. She was unable to sleep at nights, and had anxiety and nausea to the point that it began affecting her own health. At the height of this, she received a priesthood blessing that reminded us all that the Lord’s plans for us are not necessarily ones we would pick. Equally important, that pressing forward with spiritual optimism and hope are the functional components of the very faith that we talk so much of in our gospel conversations. Putting these components peacefully into action during adversity not only increases our faith, it allows the Lord to bless us and demonstrates our willingness to submit our will to His. The Book of Mormon demonstrates instances of prophets teaching this to the people.
Mosiah 23:25 For behold, it came to pass that while they were in the land of Helam, yea, in the city of Helam, while tilling the land round about, behold an army of the Lamanites was in the borders of the land.
26 Now it came to pass that the brethren of Alma fled from their fields, and gathered themselves together in the city of Helam; and they were much frightened because of the appearance of the Lamanites.
27 But Alma went forth and stood among them, and exhorted them that they should not be frightened, but that they should remember the Lord their God and he would deliver them.
LESSON LEARNED: Fear and panic are antagonists of faith, and prevent the Lord from unfolding the miracles that may come from adversity. Trust and faith in His plans allow for His blessings to flow.
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