The balance of state and church is a precarious one. As I have written on previously, Alma and Mosiah had an interchange on a religious issue, one which was of a spiritual nature. On that occasion, Mosiah, the acting King, rightly deferred the issue back to Alma, the acting high priest, to settle. On a separate occasion though, members of the church found themselves being persecuted physically due to their belief system. This time, with the well-being of his citizens at stake, Mosiah intervened on an issue that dealt with the public safety.
Mosiah 27:1 And now it came to pass that the persecutions which were inflicted on the church by the unbelievers became so great that the church began to murmur, and complain to their leaders concerning the matter; and they did complain to Alma. And Alma laid the case before their king, Mosiah. And Mosiah consulted with his priests.
2 And it came to pass that king Mosiah sent a proclamation throughout the land round about that there should not any unbeliever persecute any of those who belonged to the church of God.
LESSON LEARNED: The governments of sovereign states have an obligation to protect their populace. This includes issues that may have their roots in spiritual matters.
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