2017. It’s now been over two millennia since the Savior lived and walked on the earth. As life becomes all the more complex in these latter days, it can seem tougher over time to feel the quiet confirmations of the Spirit about His life. Thank goodness the Lord sends prophets to guide and teach us. They help us, just as if the Savior himself were still here to help us. But it takes the same kind of faith to know that they are true prophets of God as it does to know Jesus is the Son of God. That kind of faith knows no time barriers. Before his birth, the people in Old Testament times and the Nephites in the New World had to rely on the testimony of prophets that predicted His coming. We have an easier time of it than they did, because at least we have the Savior's life as a past historical fact. The Nephites had to exercise hope in a being that had not yet lived. A much tougher prospect, I imagine. Regardless, with the help of prophets, they too could acquire faith and joy in Him as if He had already come.
Mosiah 3:13 And the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue, that thereby whosoever should believe that Christ should come, the same might receive remission of their sins, and rejoice with exceedingly great joy, even as though he had already come among them.
LESSON LEARNED: Faith in Christ knows no time barriers. Because He lived in the meridian of time, those before Him and those coming after must exercise the same type of faith.
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