So Many Witnesses
Mr. Bergquist was a gentle old man, but he had a prideful heart. When the missionaries first knocked on his door in Stockholm, Sweden, he allowed them in to hear the message of the restored gospel on a whim. His own story was one of prior faith, of regular church attendance, of even having served missionary time in his own Pentecostal church. But Mr. Bergquist had become cynical towards God, and had left the faith of his youth. The missionaries bore humble testimony, and Mr. Bergquist felt the Spirit. Still, though, his attitude was one of all-knowing, of having “been there, done that,” and he expressed to the missionaries that they too would someday reach that point. Regardless, he continued to allow the missionaries to teach him and he slowly progressed in the gospel. One Sunday, when his spirituality reached a crisis, he cried out to the Lord for guidance. He asked the Lord for a sign, and asked that if this church was true, that he wanted the missionaries to come visit him now, that very day. Little did he know that far across town, the Stockholm First Ward services had just concluded. It was fast Sunday, and we office elders were hungry and just wanted to get home. But Elder Thompson had a different feeling, and he steered the mission-office van the distance to Mr. Bergquist’s apartment. I can still see his shock and stunned face when, one at a time, eight missionaries entered his apartment and each shock his hand. He didn’t know there were more than two in the area, but his answer was quick and intense. He was soon baptized and remained faithful the rest of his life.
Alma 34:30 And now, my brethren, I would that, after ye have received so many witnesses, seeing that the holy scriptures testify of these things, ye come forth and bring fruit unto repentance.
LESSON LEARNED: Be mindful of what you ask the Lord, for He will answer all those who diligently seek Him. This will often come with unexpected intensity and with multiple witnesses.
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