Saturday, August 26, 2017

All My Days

A young man who had recently returned from an LDS mission and I had an interesting brief conversation. Another young man of similar age to him but not of his faith had moved into his neighborhood, and I suggested he might reach out and befriend him. We had a follow-up conversation about a week later, and I asked if he had had a chance to do so. His response caught me off guard. “You don’t understand – I’m not on a mission any longer”. I am usually not one to be at a loss of words, but I was in that instance. I was sad to hear this from a young man who had been on a mission for two years, but whose mission didn't seem to have instilled anything of permanence into him. When does being a friend or sharing one's belief system end? After our missions? When we get married? When we die? Enos in The Book of Mormon expressed his sentiment on the issue.

 Enos 1: 26 And I saw that I must soon go down to my grave, having been wrought upon by the power of God that I must preach and prophesy unto this people, and declare the word according to the truth which is in Christ. And I have declared it in all my days, and have rejoiced in it above that of the world.
 27 And I soon go to the place of my rest, which is with my Redeemer; for I know that in him I shall rest. And I rejoice in the day when my mortal shall put on immortality, and shall stand before him; then shall I see his face with pleasure, and he will say unto me: Come unto me, ye blessed, there is a place prepared for you in the mansions of my Father. Amen.

LESSON LEARNED: Sharing our belief system and feelings about Christ should become part of our natures. It has a beginning, but should have no definitive end in our lifetime on earth.


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